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WPS Office for Mac returned with sincerity

by removeos_admin

In recent years, in the field of Chinese office software, in addition to Microsoft Office, there is WPS Office, which we are also familiar with. With WPS Office for Windows taking up half of the office software market, Kingsoft WPS became the only office software in  China that can compete with Microsoft Office. Recently, WPS Office for Mac has officially launched.


WPS Office for Mac is now available for free download on the Mac App Store, or you can download it directly from the WPS website. I believe many have used this famous software on Mac since the previous beta, including the 2019 beta. WPS Office for Mac is compatible with the  document formats of Microsoft Office and has the advantage of Chinese localization. Compared with Apple’s iWork suite, it has more user groups. The personal version for individual users is free forever.

Features such as Siri shortcuts on iOS will also go on macOS

by removeos_admin

With the approach of macOS 10.15 and iOS 13, Apple has prepared for the early integration of macOS and iOS. The first is the cross-platform porting of thefirst-party applications. According to the latest reports of the media, Siri Shortcuts and Screen Time would launch for macOS 10.15 at the WWDC in June this year.


Siri shortcuts and Screen Time are the main features introduced on iOS 12: shortcuts allow users to create customized voice commands for Siri and can form instruction macros with third-party apps. On macOS, users still need to download the app from the App Store. It’s important to note that only applications that use Marzipan (Apple’s cross-platform framework) would get shortcuts support on macOS. 

macOS 10.15 may launch standalone music and podcast apps

by removeos_admin
macOS 10.15 may launch standalone music and podcast apps

At the spring conference in late March, Apple announced that it will soon launch a new Apple TV App on the Mac. This naturally raises the discussion about whether Apple will introduce other media applications to the Mac. If they do, then iTunes is likely to be split into separate apps, and will no longer be Apple’s multimedia platform.


Recently, developer Steve Troughton-Smith disclosed that there is convincing evidence that Apple is developing new apps of music, podcasts  and perhaps books for macOS,  together with TV apps, to constitute a native standalone application for macOS.

Newly launched Apple News+ kept crashing and Apple fixed it right away

by removeos_admin

The updates of iOS 12.2 and macOS 10.14.4 brought users the new Apple News+. But some users and subscribers were very upset that it kept crashing somehow.


After starting, it displayed content temporarily, then crashed. It seems the devices with iOS 12.2 and macOS beta that encountered such bugs have no similarity, and it have nothing to do with iCloud accounts. At present, reinstalling the system still cannot solve the problem.