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How to change the folder display settings on Mac

by removeos_admin

One user said he still failed to list all the files in the same display type, then he found out that the setting “View display options” is effective only under current directory, so he came up with the following steps:


1. Open Finder, continuously click Command+↑ several times until the you can see the disk icons without redirecting.

2. Choose the display type you want, e.g. icon (Command + 1), list (Command + 2), column (Command + 3), then press Command + J at the same time or click the pinion to open “View display options”.

3. Adjust the display size you want.

4. Open Launchpad – Others – Terminal, type “sudu find / -name .DS_Store -exec rm {} +” in and press Enter. Provide your account password if you’re prompted, then press Enter and wait.

5. When Step 4 is finished, click the apple icon in the upper left corner and select “Force Quit”.

6. In the window of Force Quit, select “Finder” and click “Restart”.